
Showing posts from April, 2021

Take part in our new short film.

 For many of us newer residents, especially those working tirelessly to make the Rainbow Inclusivity Hall the controlling beating heart of the village, the problem of acceptance by the locals is an issue. So thanks to a grant we have made a short film, "Why I'm better than you" to explore how we as a community can force the locals, Tories and leavers to do what we want. So we invite all residents to take part, obviously the locals input needs to be watching and taking notes.

Revised Hall Hiring Charges

 As the team of lackies doing pointless jobs continues to increase we at the hall have had to revisit our tariffs.  As of May Hall rental for the local Labour Party, environmental groups, peace activists and vegan food events falls to: £0 Hall rental for local Rugby club dinners, weddings (heterosexual), jumble sales (yeah right), birthday parties, anniversaries or any group associated with Welsh farming will rise to: £260 Other events will be considered on a case by case basis depending if we like you or not. Given the Rainbow Diversity Hall's stated aims and constitution some groups are politely asked not to apply, these include Tories, Welsh people, Jim Davidson or anyone with a passing interest in tractors.

Events at the Rainbow Inclusivity Hall in May

 We have an exciting range of events lined up for you next month, something to appeal to everyone we like. May 5 Prof Jim Broadband complaints letter writing workshop, sick of pesky local people with ideas above their station? Fed up with farmers and their smelly animals? Prof Jim will show you how to complain about them and deal with the blighters. Kindly sponsored by a grant. May 16 Sneering for beginners, still not managed to perfect the art of looking through the locals like they're not there on the way to the organic veg shop? Still not mastered talking about the locals like they're badly educated bigots? Well help is at hand from Mitchell Hardon who will use his years of arrogance to show you how! Kindly sponsored by a grant. May 22  Farmers Market  Featuring traditional local vegan world food from all around Surrey, why not try a slice of Lornas delicious gluton free vegan lemon drizel cake, only £8 per slice. May 30 Welsh identity course, want to blend in with the...

Job Opportunities

 Here at the towns Rainbow Inclusivity Hall we welcome applicants from all backgrounds, left wing middle aged women from the home counties with any hair colour are encouraged to apply for the clerical and managerial positions. Welsh people are more than welcome to apply for the gardening and cleaning jobs.